
Review: “1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know”


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If you love birding and have a sense of humor, then this book is for you. 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Knowby Sharon “BirdChick” Stiteler, covers a lot of ground. Stiteler hits everything from bird feeders to evolution, birding lingo to the American Birding Association’s code of ethics (p. 233). What’s more is that her birding sense of humor is wonderful and all (well, most) birders will relate!

There’s much to enjoy in this book and the easy to follow, bulleted format makes it a good reference book. Stiteler uses the “Bird Busting” sections to bust common bird-related myths that unfortunately still circulate. The “Vacation Ideas” sections are also helpful. Having visited some of these areas, I can vouch for their descriptions and urge everyone to plan a birding trip of some sort!

ISBN: 978-0-7624-4734-3

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