
Feeder Friday: Immature Grackles

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Immature Common Grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) look just like their adult parents, with the exception of two things — eye color and plumage.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Eye color on an immature is dark, or brownish. Plumage is a beautiful, slightly shiny, chocolate color.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Behavior also sets them apart from their parents. I mean, just look at them — so immature.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Immature Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Stay Tuned for more next week from AnimalPerspectives.Com! Have a great weekend!

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