
Feeder Friday: Gifts of the Grackle?

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(WARNING: Don’t read this post if you’re easily grossed out, or if it’s lunchtime.)

Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

We’ve heard the term “Gifts of the Crow” from the book by John Marzluff and Tony Angell, but what about “Gifts of the Grackle”? Nope — it’s not a thing. Uh, maybe not until now…


Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Imagine my surprise when a Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) showed up at my feeder this in its beak! Wait for it…


Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Wait for it…



Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

OK. It’s really not that big of a deal — sorry if you feel cheated. This (what appears to be a decapitated head that once belonged to some kind of herp) was not what I put in the feeder that morning — promise.

I realize that this is not actually a gift, it’s food that was probably picked up en route to the balcony. However, it was pretty neat that it was caught on camera! Say Cheese?


Any way, Happy Friday!


Stay Tuned for more next week from AnimalPerspectives.Com! Have a great weekend!

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