
Feeder Friday: Drama

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Happy Friday!


Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Drama — no matter how insignificant — happens.

Aside from admiring the beauty of birds, watching their dramas play out is one of the best parts about birdwatching — if not the best part.


Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Through these dramas, birds are born, lives are lost, territory is defended, or a pecking order is established — even if it’s just for a brief moment.

Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Common Grackle. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Watching birds at a feeder, or even House Sparrows at an outdoor cafe, is a great way to start tuning in to the dramas that play out in the lives of birds.

Stay Tuned for more next week from AnimalPerspectives.Com! Have a great weekend!

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