
Book Review: Gifts of the Crow

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American Crow. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

American Crow. Image Credit: Animal Perspectives.

Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smart Birds to Behave Like Humans by John Marzluff and Tony Angell (2013)

ISBN: 9781439198742

Formats Available: Kindle, Paperback, Audible

Did you know that Charles Dickens had a pet Crow? Did you know did you know that Edgar Allan Poe got his inspiration for The Raven from another author’s story?

On one hand there’s admiration and respect for Corvids. On the other hand there’s fear and disgust towards them (just think about their portrayal in The Birds).

They are also seen as a nuisance and some people view Crows as problematic to their livelihoods — in many states it is legal to hunt crows.

Bird Brains

Crows however are intelligent, can problem solve, use tools, mourn, get revenge, and recognize human faces. Sound familiar? If it does, you might be thinking about other species that participate in those activities. Chimpanzees, perhaps? Dolphins? Humans?

In Gifts of the Crow, John Marzluff and Tony Angell explore the history, the folklore, and mystery behind the world’s best known birds, Corvids.

In Gifts of the Crow, John Marzluff and Tony Angell explore the history, the folklore, and mystery behind the world’s best known birds, Corvids.

The Audience

Gifts of the Crow is for everyone regardless of previous knowledge about Corvids. Each chapter begins with a relatable narrative, some background, then delves deeper into that chapter’s specific theme.

From toying with domesticated animals, including cats and dogs, to gathering around their dead, you will be surprised how similar Corvids are to humans.

Learn More

The information in this book is so fascinating that you’ll be compelled to learn more about Corvids on your own.

Have you read Gifts of the Crow? What did you think?

Buy the book here, listen here, or download here.

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Categories: Birds, Review

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