
AnimalPerspectives.Com is a website that I created with the intention to provide reliable information about wildlife — nature is for everyone! Animal Perspectives currently focuses on birds and ornithology (the study of birds).

My fascination with birds is forever growing. I never feel as though I have read enough, learned enough, or snapped enough photos. My appetite to learn about these magnificent creatures is insatiable — there simply aren’t enough hours in the day!

AnimalPerspectives.Com blossomed from my desire to write about birds professionally and my eagerness to assist in the dissemination of information critical to their conservation.

My educational and professional backgrounds are in English, Environmental Science, and Technical Writing. So, five years ago I decided to turn my fascination with birds into a full-time endeavor and share what I have learned about birds with like-minded readers and others who want to learn about these modern day dinosaurs.

Have you ever read a headline that led you to believe the news about a recent scientific paper was more exciting than it really was? Have you ever read a scientific paper and thought, “What did I just read?” Do you simply want to know more about birds, but don’t have the time to read through a text book? If so, you’re not alone and I want to help.

On this website you will find scientific paper summaries, educational mini-videos, photos, blog posts, guides, book & documentary reviews, and more! You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

I’ve just published my 100th blog post, so stay tuned!

Have a question, a suggestion, or a comment? Get in touch below.


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